So in this house I've changed Q's name from Q (yes, just Q, in honor of Secret Agent Q from James Bond, you know - the guy who makes all the really cool gadgets, until he died) Q's new name is "the toddler". Not because he can't behave. Just the reverse - he is well trained, lays down, sits, stays, comes and manages to act ferocious with Daisy the little cocker spaniel next door. He is now called "the toddler" because he acts just like a spoiled 2 year old if he doesn't get his way. He barks at us to go for a ride, he barks at us to get him his toys. He barks to get his food. Just one bark, or a few low woofs. Of course, for his toys, I tell him to get them himself, or to "go lay down". Surprisingly enough at the age of 7 he understands that. He has taken to laying in front of the toy basket and after woofing at us doesn't work, he stretches himself completely across the floor and moans. And the moans increase in loudness and pitch until we just give up and help him. He is not satisfied until we have emptied the basket. He is now fairly content. He is exhausted after a half hour of begging. And now, we can go back to TV.