We are moving. Wow, what an undertaking - 15 years in one house and it is amazing the stuff we have accumulated. We needed to get Alan moved first, then we'll bring in the movers later to settle us once we get the house in Illinois sold. (Hmm that could be interesting). So from my previous post I mentioned the house was smaller than the one we live in now - and well, in measurements, it seems to be okay - the dining room is just 1 foot by 1 foot smaller. But the furniture would be sooo big in it as to overwhelm the entire area. So first on the chopping / shopping block - dining room set. How do you get rid of a 50 year old dining room set? (And still need to buy something that can house a 100 piece china set).
So we decide to bring the sectional sofa and put it in the living room - later to be moved to the basement. It takes up the entire living space. Really - just ... Massive that is the only word for it. I don' t think we can have company until we get this all sorted out. Thank goodness RJ (Alyssa's friend was able to help us out Friday night). We U-Hauled it up there with assorted other things and the snowstorm came Saturday. And our bed and headboard - sheesh - it will take up the entire wall and JUST FIT. Maybe... if we are lucky. We may have to do a complete sell off of everything in the house. How we could not realize we owned such big furniture. I don't know. but it happened. We are spatially challenged.
We arrived home at 1AM Saturday Morning from the first move-in to find Alyssa's Acceptance Letter to West London College. So she will be heading back to London soon (assuming no Visa problems). Tomorrow morning we fax in the final papers.
Then Saturday was the new work's Christmas party which was really fun, followed by a very treacherous trip to Illinois in the snowstorm. We went back up today to get Alan moved in with Q and the cats. We left Charlie with me for the next week or so.

Well, we left both cats in their carriers in the house for a little while while Alan shoveled and I drove up. We set up their litter box in the basement (on the carpet so their little feet wouldn't get cold) and took them down there in the carriers. We let Peri out first. She explored a bit. Came for some sympathy pets. Rubbed against the dog for some licks. All was well. We opened Neffie's carrier. No Neffie. Not coming out. So we tried to shake her out. No luck. So we waited a bit, and then just dumped her out - this time with success. She saw an opening under the stairs (we missed it) and made a bee-line for it. We have yet to entice her out. It is on cold cold concrete so I am feeling terrible tonite. I put wet cat food out and everything, but no Neffie kitty. We tried to sweep her out with the broom, and got hissing and she never hisses. So tomorrow we'll try the vacuum cleaner. She hates it. Peri went under to keep her company, but when the broom came under and the food came out - so did Peri. She has now found all the places in the house. I keep asking Q to go entice Neffie out as she has been a constant companion to him. So far, no go. He did volunteer to eat her food. I put a picture up of them from the spring. They are my usual camera targets.
So I am home in Illinois, Alan is home in Wisconsin. We'll play this tag for awhile. Christmas is coming fast and I have yet to shop. We are not as far apart as AJ and Emily. We heard from AJ this morning and he is doing well in Iraq. 15 month deployment this time. Sigh. Sweet Dreams everyone!