The name is settled. Mazie - shortened for Amazing Grace. I ended up singing it to her last night again to calm her down during a storm and she settled in and slept in my arms. Amazing Grace soothes her. Maybe because the song soothes me. For too many reasons, she just is not "Grace" or "Gracie", but Mazie fits her. She has a bad case of the kitten crazies. She runs around like a banshee! She meows / talks all the time and is always asking for food. She has identified the kitchen with canned cat food and thinks she should get it each time we walk in there. I am trying to explain what the meaning of hard food is.
Then she discovered how to get on top of Charlie's cage. She likes the hanging toys Alan put in there. The first time she stood against it Charlie put his little paws on the cage and nosed her back. Now she just heads straight to the top of the cage. We have to find a way to keep her off before she gets bigger. She is sure full of energy.
Poor Neffie doesn't know if she is coming or going. Mazie chases her around the house and Neffie has refined her hissing to a new evil long drawn out tone. It stops Mazie in mid double-leg up prance. Hopefully we'll catch a picture. For now, Mazie spends her nights in the green room for her own protection, but when we are home she gets the run of the house - and we get some exercise. Stay tuned for further.