Q dying in June was just another nail driven into our hearts. But we were lucky, a mastiff puppy was born July 1st and Sweep joined us in September.

Xindi's joy at having a dog to watch over was overwhelming. She took him under her wing and decided he was her puppy - and as her puppy, she would decide who could touch him. We quickly corrected her thinking. Today, when Sweep (Sweepers to me) runs to greet anyone or any dog, we just tell her it is okay. He is friendly and social. He loves daily walks and car rides - demanding attention from Alan. He does not cuddle like Q did - and unlike Q he loves people, dogs, and children.

I continue to drive 150 miles a day round trip for work. Who would have thought the economy would tank like it did... the Illinois house sold on August 30, 2009 after almost 2 years on the market. I am surprised by how much I miss it and Lindenhurst. I had a full life there with the kids, schools, community work and friends. It will take me a little more time to settle in WIsconsin. I am pleased to say, each day is better. Alan loves it in Wisconsin and that makes each day worthwhile.
Alyssa is still in London. At some point she will graduate and come home, but for now, she is working hard on her studies. I continue to miss her desperately. Us mom's cling to our children - take pride in their accomplishments and miss them when they are away. I am your typical mom.
Richard is working full-time and going to school part-time while living with us. I hope he stays awhile, with the economy the way it is, he is better off here than struggling in a small apartment.
AJ is in Ranger School and we'll go to his graduation April 1st. Then he is off to South Korea, while Emily sells the house and begins Law School on the East Coast.
So today, I make the promise to start writing again. Stay tuned for dog stories, psycho cat stories and mishmash of travelogues.