Monday, November 26, 2007

Aly and Josh Visit the U.S.

Alyssa and Josh arrived from London on 11/16/07. Alyssa had his whole week planned before all the seriousness of school restarted. First on the list was going to see the Greenbay Packers kick butt on the 18th. Then off to the Kalahari for indoor water park relaxation! We had a wonderful time getting to know Josh and hope he comes back often for visits!

They returned in time to spend a day in Chicago - visit Alyssa's friends and have 2 Thanksgiving dinners. They left on Saturday 11/24/07 - a return to London. After a very stressful Sunday in London, Alyssa is returning home. We don't know yet if she will return to school in London - her transcripts are still being reviewed. It will be harder for her to interview with the Universities from this side of the pond. But that is how life is. I pick her up tonight. Personally, I think the University in Leiden is way cool - now to convince her to learn Dutch! We are packing and getting ready for the move to East Troy.

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