I wanted to know how many were hit by the trains/trams each year. The number must be substantial. We gave up our seats to an elderly couple - the young teen girls weren't about to stand and we couldn't watch them sway to the movements of the tram. They seemed surprised that we would have done that. I think politeness has left all big cities. I enjoyed watching the various piercings and clothing styles. They say that it starts in Europe and then the trend makes it way to the U.S. There were some really interesting clothing trends. All the young seem to be into knee high boots with fur on top. So the boots start with fur just above the ankle and goes to the top. They were very cute. I wanted a pair. But luggage being sparse I didn't buy one.
We made our way back to Baden-Baden and went to the Carcella Spa. It was wonderful. All mineral/thermal water. A large pool, a hot tub that wasn't too hot, with a flowing waterfall. Lots of chairs to lay in. Then you can climb out of the one pool (it is the same depth all over, chest high for me) and walk over to the port that lets you swim outside to the outdoor pools. It was drizzling out and just absolutely wonderful. We had a really fun time. We bought a 3 hour pass (you can buy time at the springs in 2, 3 and 4 hours). We had to rent towels as we didn't bring our own. We wandered through the Christmas Market one more time, bought a few trinkets. We then had an Italian dinner and off to the hotel for the night.
I think for pure relaxation, Baden-Baden is just the best. I had been having a lot of pain in my right hip and it went away after spending time in the spa. So maybe it was just the magical waters.
We then caught the 1042 train to Frankfurt airport. We were headed for home.

The experience back at Ireland wasn't the best with the Carlton Hotel. Being left in the cold for 30 minutes to wait for pick-up and watching the other hotel shuttles make run after run was tough. But they bought us breakfast to make up for it. Not quite sure that made up for it. Shivering outside the airport with no reprieve and then a rude driver. Well, it was not the best ending. But home we are. And I am glad to be back.
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