Another weekend of running around and spending all day Saturday getting the Sirius Satellite Radio's installed in the other 2 vehicles we came home to more chores, more running to stores etc. We found we really like having the Satellite radio. I enjoy listening to music and then Fox and Friends in the morning (one of the few stations with commercials). When I am tired of the commercials, I can move to music, listen to Howard to see if he has any interesting bands on, and then on to the comedy channels for a few chuckles on my way in to work. The comedy channel has made a big difference in my commute. I no longer feel the urge to hurry, hurry, hurry. And it means on the weekends we like to go for rides. Of course the option to be alerted to 30 saved songs is awesome and it has a rewind feature... so if I daydream (Only if not driving of course) I can rewind up to 44 minutes.

So what is the point to this story - While the adults have some cabin fever, we are getting out, running errands, and working. Mastiff dog, on the other hand, has been house ridden. I got called into work Midnight shift Saturday night at the last minute, so I didn't get up until noon. After my shower I wandered into the kitchen and instantly, the nudging and happiness began - but this was the "we're going out for a car ride" happiness. Alan wanted to know if I mentioned the words "going out" and I said no. So we continued with chores and I sat on the basement stairs as Alan loaded the washing machines and I supervised sorting. The alternating hopeful and sad look on his face almost broke my heart. He has taken to going to bed by 9:00 p.m. (sometimes earlier). We think he is depressed. The only consolation is that he has no hands to use an axe (ala
The Shining )

So he has taken to asking to go outside every 2 hours. His main motive, looking for Lily. Lily sightings are few and far between. (Lily is the little Yorkshire Terrier that lives with the neighbors to the right) and she absolutely loves Q. She puts her paws up on the fence and the more he blusters and barks at her, the more she wants him to come play. He took a little warming up to her and still acts a little ferocious when she is out, but he really does love her. He wags now and does three runs up and down the fence, barks a few more times and then he is done. She, however is not! When he hears her, he whines and begs to go out. And his 187 pounds to her 3 pounds probably still scare Lily's owner - and they usually have to come pick her up and bring her in.

So imagine his surprise when over Christmas our other neighbors (the ones to the left) got a new puppy. The sightings are not too frequent, but getting those sightings is becoming his newest passion. (And we can tell, with the high pitch braying and barking!) The new puppy is named Lucy - so he is frequently confused as he knows who Lily is - but Lucy, Lily, well, that is a little tough for him to figure out - he is now looking in both directions. So we are waiting for the weather to break, better introductions and a new love to bloom. In the meantime, Lucy is growing and we love her dearly. Welcome little Lucy to the neighborhood.
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