I adore Itunes. I remember when it first came out and was for Macs only, I enviously looked at a friend of mines I-Tunes and Mac and patiently waited for the day it would come to Windows. Now years later, I have left MS Windows for the Mac platform and haven't looked back. Lucky for everyone (well, except maybe Vista users), Itunes is available for everyone. Now before I finish my story, let me digress. I recently read an article that said some woman was sueing Apple because the Itunes downloads could only be used with the IPOD and how that just should not be allowed. And I was mad. What about all the sites that offer downloads - same price, same options, plus exclusive content on each. She just doesn't know how to use her software. Please Apple, let me know if you need me. As a former Windows user, I downloaded from Itunes, burned to CD, converted to MP3 again to put on a rival player using other software. It required a little manipulation, but all legal. (I was the only one using it and didn't want to take the IPOD to the steamy health club). Once, I even found a song not on Itunes I had to purchase on another Web Site (Wal-Mart) and it was not compatible with Itunes at the time. So I burned it to CD and imported it to Itunes. No program writing, no scripts, just simple use operations. So the lawsuit annoys me, bucause it causes our prices to go up - at some point it affects all of us. For example, what about all these Web sites that refuse to grant me access because I am not running the latest Windows Media Player.
No class action here. That is what free enterprise is all about. I figure if I want it bad enough, I'll just have to find a Windows PC (sign me up for a slot at the local library - or better yet, just pass me the kids laptops). But seriously, with my Mac, I am free. Free of the tyranny of Windows, Free of the Tyranny of virus attacks and trojans and the general upkeep. But I digress. This is supposed to really be about Itunes.
I love Itunes and my IPOD. I now own every generation that was windows compatible and someone in our family has at least every model. I gave one to my mom when I got the Video version. Now she wants a video I bet. My latest addition is the green shuffle to match my green beetle, green purse, and green chocolate phone. So, I watch TV, hear a song on Grey's Anatomy and there I am on Itunes looking for the song. And there they are! I have new bands to love, like Unkle Bob and Let's Go Sailing thanks to Grey's Anatomy and thanks to Itunes and a credit card, I now have those songs in my playlists. Once in awhile, a song is not quite right. I then email Itunes and they fix it. Sometimes they find it before I do. Recently, they emailed me and said my last album download just wasn't up to snuff and instructed me to download it again and for my troubles gave me a free song. Sweet. So off I went to download city. Got the new album and a free song (Sideways by Let's Go Sailing). But a strange thing happened. I got a credit for 13 free songs. Then the next day, I got a new email reinstructing me to download the album. It downloaded againand my credit jumped to 25 free songs. I wrote to Itunes to explain their error. They thanked me for my honesty and let me keep my credits. So now I am even more in love with Itunes. I can use those credits with a clear conscience. 25 free songs. (Down to 23 now). So where to start. Wow, so many choices. I already have 4000 + songs in my library, plus the CD's I haven't added, (disc space and all - why put on the CD's I really don't plan on listening to). So, here I am with these credits and not a clue on what to use it on. But I will figure it out. Just need a new episode of Grey's or Cold Case to set me on the path to new memories old memories and new discoveries. Some of my favorite discoveries are the artists: Let's Go Sailing, Unkle Bob, Blue Oktober, and my favorite favorite - The Boat Drunks closely followed by discovering new songs by old favorites like "Down South" by Tom Petty.

So here comes Alyssa - A funky flower in her hair (she still isn't used to her European haircut) saying 23 songs - did you say 23 SONGS! Wow, that is the most excitement I've seen in awhile. Let the bargaining begin. So... moms share everything - time, food, themselves (even the bathroom). But now, the question of the night. Does mom have to share her ITunes credit? Sigh. I no doubt will. That's what mom's do. Give give give.
(Unless I can find 23 really good songs first!!!!!). Well anyone who took the time to read this rambling post - leave me a comment if you have a suggestion on a good download!
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