"Laugh So Hard You Cry" sums up my life. Wherever I go I am sure to bring a laugh to someone.I started this blog to write about our travels and ended up blogging our everyday life with some travel stories thrown in to share with our friends and family. After a long absence from writing with a few sporadic attempts, I’m determined to start blogging again in 2024. My family keeps me going. If you stumbled on my blog, I thank you for visiting.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Mastiff Dog Makes A Complaint
'Q' has requested that I make an official complaint on his behalf. He said - (yes, he really told me this), that since I get to write about him all the time and take all sorts of pictures of him, he was allowed to use this space to tell the world about the (in his mind) grave injustice done to him again today. I told 'Q' I had to explain his story, as most people would find his compliant ludicrous - and I gently reminded him that his brother and sister (now deceased) loved the activities he was "forced" to perform today. The back story: We brought our lovely mastiff as a puppy to grandma's and the bulldogs (his brother and sister) dutifully introduced him to the lake. They chased the ball off the dock, happily throwing themselves into the water after it (and we would then have to save the bulldog from drowning - in 2 1/2 feet of water mind you), and they would splash at the shore line in complete and utter contentment. Grandma's lake is wonderful for small dogs and toddlers. It starts at ankle deep and very gradually increases in depth - you can make it 100 feet out and only be waist deep before it really starts to drop. As a puppy, Q decided the lake was not for him and wistfully watched from afar (the deck) as the bulldogs frolicked in the water. Q decided he was a "boat dog". He actively asked for boat rides, met the DNR and Sheriff's Police patrols with happy tails and barking and runs to the dock at every chance. Last summer, we got him into the lake for the first time ever. Not to be deterred, we decided to do another try (bath).
So Alan ordered him into the lake. And he reluctantly went. I came out in time to film the end scene and will hopefully get it on Youtube later. He sees me come out and thinks I came to save him. Thus, I get all the complaints. Q wants the world to know that the grave injustice he suffered today is:
1. Being forced into the large bathtub - full of cold water - not warm like home.
2. Being forced to stand on the squishy lake bottom (Do you realize what is hiding under that water? he screamed at me!)
3.. Being left alone, ordered to stay in place, while dad got the bucket (just out of camera range). 4. Having dad pour buckets of lake water over him and his face. (What if those scary underwater things came out of the bucket!!!)
5. Having your obedience commands used against you - where you couldn't break them - or else you would prove you were a bad dog.
6. And the final injustice - having POODLE SHAMPOO used on him that smelled like a fruit tree. He is a BOY, not a girl - and do I realize the smell will be stuck in his nose for days!
So, here are the pictures and I posted it to Youtube - I have now met my obligation to telling you about Q's perceived grave injustice.
"Laugh So Hard You Cry"
That sums up my life. Wherever I go, I am sure to bring a laugh to someone somewhere. I am a married female with a wonderful husband and adult children. (How did that happen?) My family keeps me grounded in this daily life. Our mastiff 'Q taught me the importance of “No, WAIT, Towel, Don’t shake" and the meaning of love and true acceptance. March of 2009 I lost my mom and best friend. New dogs, old dogs and life in the midwest. Time marches on.
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