Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quiet Tuesday

It is 4:40 pm in Dublin and we have finally made it back to the city center. I tried this morning, truely tried, but this cold/flu bug got me down and we went back to the hotel where I spent the day in bed. We are not back in the city and I actually want to eat, so that is a good sign. Alan went to the pharmacy and got me some medicine with the word Flue in the title, and it has codeine in it. It amazes me again, that our FDA won't sell this stuff over the counter, and yet all over the world elsewhere, it is deemed safe. So I am feeling better.. aching is better... and we are off to see the sights. Tried IM'ing mom, but sheesh, she needs to update her AIM. Send me an email everyone and let me know how things are at home reference kids, dogs, and the state of things in general.

And for the emails that I got, no, we didn't go in, no we don't plan to go in, but it was just so blatant in the middle of the shopping, touristy area, and the only other one we saw was so .... subtle... it was quite funny. Well, take care all. Tomorrow we leave for Frankfurt. Once we arrive, we hop a train for Berlin and we meet up with Sharon. So this will be quite fun, and I hope I am feeling much better by then. You probably won't see a post then for 2 days! Love to all.


1 comment:

Bobbygrz said...

Hi Lorene & Al,
I have enjoyed your Blogging so far. Betty has always wanted to go to Ireland and I hope someday she will get to go. I seems as you two are having a great time. Sorry about your being sick, but at least you keep going. I would like to share your Blog with Betty, but she will not read anything off the internet, Even from your Mother.
Looking forward for more,
