When AJ was in Iraq, I was terrified that I would come home to find the big blue US Government car in the driveway and I would have to be the one to tell Alan or Sharon. Wow, someone was going to be in trouble then. (Remember the messenger boiled in oil). Since he may go back, this could happen. But he should be married by then and the big blue or black car will come to his wife. Truely, I wasn't worried something would happen to him. But I used to tell him, that car better not show up here, so keep your head down.
Apathy terrifies me. People just don't take an interest in what goes on around them until it happens to them. THEN its a big deal. How did this thing happen... and I didn't notice (Answer: Apathy) We are watching the cutting of government services, the lack of government services and a lowering of education in an effort to save on costs where the education budget is typically at least 95% or more of the budget just for teacher salaries (let alone books and programs). Tecnhologies available to the private sector aren't put in place in the government sector, because there is no budget for it. How many areas have Phase II cellualar 911 technology nationwide (let alone Phase 1 which just gives a call back phone number)? Do you know the answer. It will become important when that person can't get help on a road trip through a state somewhere or even in their hometown. In the end apathy by the public is public enemy number 1. You don't have to agree. It is just what terrifies me. I have seen it alot in my 20 years of public service. And I think it is going to just get worse over the next 10.

So I don't have a solution - to my nightmares, to my fear of bees or to curing apathy. But I thought I'd write about it for my kids. I don't want them to settle for the status quo but to be a part of the society they live in. Have a voice. Be legal, Be polite, Know the issues, make the ones important to you public in an appropriate manner (some day I'lll tell my Great America and Letter to the Editor's story) and vote every time. (Postnote: Aly - quit rolling your eyes)!