What a week! Tuesday started like most normal days. Woke up thinking "Do I really have to get up?" Cautiously open bedroom door try and sneak out without letting the cats in. Then fight the cats who persist in the morning game of "Lets wake daddy, it time for eats" and me insisting (via closed bedroom door) in letting him sleep (he's on swing shift), I managed my way out the door. The coldest day of the year so far I think. As I sat on traffic across from the American Eagle roller coaster, I watched the car behind me with the sinking feeling,
he's not going to stop. As I braced for the impact, I prayed he would go onto the shoulder (as many many do). He did not. I was then pushed into the car in front of me. As both gentlemen approached my car, I was amazed, there were 4 men, no 6 of them, no 4, no 8 no 4 of them. Really there were just 2. The instant vertigo and nausea was pretty bad. The shoulder neck pain was mild in comparison. Lucky though the car was not pretty bad. So a trip to the ER (emergency room) was in order. Cervical collar on, no spinning, take collar off, spinning and dizziness. So I was sent home for rest and recuperation. No real explanation from the ER as to why I was so very dizzy.
The next day would shed light on this event. Off to my regular doctor for a final checkup. I was okay. The dizziness. Well, that was easy. It was
the rocks in my head. I saw the light dawn in Alan's eyes. (
THAT explains everything I live with). So the doctor then explained that we all have rocks in our heads and they shifted during the sudden movement of the accident. (The rocks are in the middle ears). My symptoms fit with the vertigo of the
rocks moving. Over the course of the day, the symptoms slowly abated and now I am fine.

Neffie enjoyed my stay at home. I rested on the couch with blankets and the cat. (She comes to the sound of food being served or the blankets being shook out). She enjoyed it. I fretted about the work I wasn't getting done.
Any medical knowledge I have comes from the internet, grandpa's tales, old wives tales, books I memorized and things my doctor told me. So rocks in the head - makes perfect sense to me. So the next time you get dizzy, or just feel weird in your head, remember, it may just be the rocks in your head.

BTW my daughter thinks I am nuts. I read her this and got
the look. I think it must be the look I gave them when they were little and getting into trouble. It usually worked though. I titled this "The Angry Santa" on my Myspace page - well here is
the look, ala, the angry santa from when she was 16. Maybe that day her rocks were off. I love her, and it is these pictures that give me such great pleasure. When she finds out I put it here I will probably get me the look again! Have a good weekend everyone.
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