Monday was a rough day. Took Q, master of the cats, to the vet to have a tumor removed from his back and some funny looking growths biopsied in hs mouth. Of course, Alan got to drop him off. (He claims that was the worst part, because the dog would remember who took him to the vet and abandoned him there. So there I was at 5pm, with Aly, anxiously awaiting my dog. Just as a side note, the vet called while he was under to say they found 3 more - should they remove them since he is 7, under anesthesia, and we don't want to repeat this again.) So I said yes. So in the exam room we waited and in came a groggy, but happy FRANKENDOG! No bandages or nice coverings. The picture actually looks better than real life. So he hopped right into the Honda Element. But once home, well, couldn't get him to all 4 feet or our of the vehicle. So off to the neighbors for help. Well he worried about what they were doing by his surgery sites, so that got him out. Once in the house, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding. 2 spots on his back decided to let loose with bubbling blood. Vet said put pressure. I said - he just had surgery. Vet said needs pressure, light, but firm pressure. So there is Aly crying, holding towels on him - there is Frankendog, who is letting out a cry that sets your heart to pounding. 1 1/2 hours later we slowed to a trickle and decided he would live to morning. And he did clot. Biopsy results on growths in mouth - not cancer. We are happy. Now, if it was just Halloween time, we could have dressed Alan up as Frankenstein with his sidekick, Frankendog.
The picture is taken just after wrapping presents. He had to get involved. He has his toys for comfort and the cat watching over him from a short distance away. (This cat follows him around and you will usually find her sleeping near him).

This was the week of good news. Frankendog is okay, my older brother's biopsy came back okay, but they want a larger sample, so they are going to take 2 of his neck growths out next week, but expect it to be okay. Emily got stuck in the horrible snow storm in Colorado, but finally made it to a hotel after 4 hours and 5 miles on I25 and was okay. So an eventful week for all.