Alan's Journal From Germany sent to Lorene 3/7/07 at 0300 hrs.
Wednesday February 28, 2007
Flight to Frankfurt was truly uneventful except that we did not leave Chicago on-time. We were scheduled to leave at 1822 and finally left at 1945. I should have known at this point it would all be Alyssa’s fault. This was to be the beginning of the not on-time planes, trains, trams and buses. I had never had that problem before, but here I travel with Alyssa and it starts.
Since we arrived in Frankfurt on March 1st, at 1100 and not at the 0945 time, I am sure glad I did not make any early train reservations. We cleared customs and proceeded to find the Deutsche Bahn office and purchase our train ticket for the week. While they did not offer the six days as Rick Steves website did, it was either a 5 or 10 day pass. We picked up a 5 day pass and figured that we would just purchase the one day when we were not traveling far and which would be the cheapest. So we hopped our first train to Munich.
We arrived in Munich at the central train station and made our way the block and a half to Hotel Monaco. This is a very nice hotel for the price and location. I like the 24 hour front desk and the friendly service. The rooms are clean although a bit old. Alyssa liked the taped over hole in the bathroom wall, with a nice picture. Into the room and a shower and off to explore Munich. Okay exploring was not much as both of us were tired and sleep was a priority. We did go and pick up a three day Munich pass for 4 zones (the next day we were to learn we needed the 8 zone pass) and went to Marionplatz. So Alyssa wanted to do the German thing and we ended up at the Hoffbrau Haus for dinner. We talked to a couple of guys from California who were going back to the states the next day. After a nice beer hall experience it was Hagen-Daiz, internet café to let Lorene know we made it and back to the hotel for bed.
March 2, 2007
Breakfast at the hotel and an apology from the staff for the noisy next door neighbors. Not sure what sport was in town, but the hotel lady said they were in town without their women. Breakfast at the hotel is always good as in most hotels in Germany. It is one of the most pleasant things, getting up and going down to breakfast and having it all laid out for you and a cup of tea.
Off to Dachau Concentration camp and once we look on the map we saw it was in Zone 7 of the Munich train system and required another ticket. This was the 2nd time Alyssa made the train late. We are not sure just what happened, but us and a couple of hundred others pile on for the trip on the S-2, and two stops later we along with everyone else are being told to get off. Something up ahead was stopping all of the train traffic. Not sure if someone was killed or a train derailed, but no trains this way. We were all told to go back to the Central Station and take another train from track 26. Arrive at Central Station and looked at the clock and ran for the train, Alyssa is at work here again, run out of breath and make the train with a minute to spare and it does not leave for another 8 minutes. (Okay she did good on this one.)
Dachau was interesting. It is a memorial to all that died there. One of the things I did not know as was that no one was gassed at Dachau. 43,000 died or were killed, but the gas chambers never were put into operation. The crematoriums worked overtime, but no gassing. One of the points of the museum was that 1,700 were shot in one day and many more were killed for no reason other then to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Dachau was not only for Jews, but many more. One British prisoner of war, who was kidnapped by the SS from Denmark (an intelligence officer) was held in what is called the bunker for the entire war. Some in the bunker were subjected to special treatment others like this major were not singled out. The museum does put on a nice display and you can skip over parts that do not interest you. They have a movie in English several times during the day which was very good. The movie lasts 22 mins and is well worth the time. Alyssa and I spent 4.5 hours at Dachau, 4 hours looking at the site and .5 is looking for my scarf and finding it I might add.
So we leave Dachau and this is the point Alyssa learns that traveling with me is not just look at something and be done with it. Next was to Marionplatz and coffee for Alyssa and coke and Apple strudel for me. So we start back to the Central Station and when we get there its look at the map time and I tell Alyssa that I did not buy a train pass not to use it. In the Central Station we find map and its says Olympic Stadium is this way, so off we go. I saw the Stadium last in 1976 and the stadium has not changed but the area sure has. First we walk to the Stadium and can’t see in very good, I then spy a hill and lets go. Mind you I am a 47 year old overweight (as my wife would say) cop and in tow I have an out of shape 19 year old girl. Well I did better then she did in going up. The sad part was all the other runners passing us up as we crawled up the hell, oop’s, hill. What a fantastic view from the top, well worth the climb. We then walked down and were going to take a different way back and guess what a viewing tower that allows you to see the stadium and the rest of Munich and surrounding areas. So we took up the elevator to the top a very quick ride. I can’t remember how tall the tower is but it is high, great views. Okay then back to the hotel, its now going on 1830 to freshen up and then off back to Marionplatz for dinner.
We found the restaurant not to far from the platz, but near the H&M’s. (Of course what is not near the H&M’’s here.) Alyssa was full and I personally think the waiter had a thing for her, she got free desert. He said it was because her steak was over cooked, but I did not buy that. Internet café to learn about going to Salzburg and the salt mine, and then back to the Central Station and the hotel.
March 3, 2007
Breakfast at the hotel and then to the Central Station for a train to Austria. We hopped an hour and half train to Salzburg. As soon as you get off the train the tourist information booth is right there along track #1. Anyway I asked how much and really did not think the price was to bad, at first, 43 Euro per person. Of course me and the cheap skate that I am said ok I will be back and went to look around. I then went to the Austrian train people and found out that for a total of 44 Euros, we could do the same thing on our own, which we did. A train to Hallien and then a bus to the mine. The train people here are fantastic and print everything out for you and it really makes it very easy to get around.
Arrived at the salt mine and had a real good time, first you must dress in miner’s clothing. Into the mine on a train and then a 2 kilometer walk underground. Some of the tunnels were very tight and dimly lighted. Part of the coolest thing is getting to ride the slides down to the different levels. The miner’s did it this way for hundreds of years. Alyssa and I got our picture taken and I think we were traveling 28 kph. So we both think the mine was very cool. Now here is were the group travel part would have come in handy. I grabbed the train in the wrong direction and after a half hour or so of enjoying the views hopped off and waited another half hour for a train back in the right direction. No big deal as I say traveling is an adventure and the views going the wrong way made up for any time lost.
Back to Marionplatz and it was getting toward evening and refresh at the hotel and then off in search of food. We found this nice little Italian restaurant on the second floor of the building at Istor U-bahn station. The food was pretty good. After diner a tram ride at night around Munich and Internet café to use up the time remaining and then to the Central Station. On the way back to the hotel we found a calling place and gave Lorene a quick call to check in. We talked a bit about dogs, g.p.’s and Wisconsin.