Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Mazie Gets A Present

Friday, August 22, 2008

After the tour we went on to do our most favorite activity - Ice cream. I had a sundae - Alan had a float. Behind Alan was a full candy display. It took me back to the days when I was little and my grandma bought me chocolate stars every time we went to the Department store. I gazed at the stars and was instantly transported to 1970, 1971, 1972 at Randhurst Mall. A very nostalgic day. It was very nice.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Long drives and nights out at the local WalMart
I have settled in nicely. The drive to work is long, but my satellite radio keeps me good company. I may need a new one soon. It seems to have antenna issues - but then I switch to my Ipod - the best of both worlds. I especially love all the news feeds - I get Fox News (my favorite) and CNN. Then there is the comedy channels to make me laugh as I get closer to work. I am almost guaranteed to come in with a smile no matter how bad the construction traffic is (and it is bad).
Just once I got stopped by a train and I captured this picture with my camera. Until I get to the highway, the scenery is just beautiful. I can't complain. I bet even the snow will be pretty, slipping and sliding all the way in.
Most of our nights out this summer involved going to places in the Village, concerts on the Square, and our favorite weekly event - the nightly trip to the large Walmart the next town over. Some weekends we try to figure out what to do and go hang out at the Walmart just for fun (seriously). Last night was groceries and appliances. Alan started to do the speed walk through the store when he realized it was 7pm. He was missing Rat Patrol - an old favorite of his available on our cable channel. So at the checkout he abandoned me to get the car and have it waiting for a quick get-away.
Our check-out clerk, young college student, easy on the eye (wink wink) gave me a quizzical look. I said "oh, we have a hot date." He asked what. I laughed and said TV - Rat Patrol is on. He then had to ask "What is Rat Patrol". I told him he was obviously too young to remember that show. I said, you know, this is a day I realized I married my father. And he gave me this shocked look. I said oh, just wait, 20 years into marriage you'll look at your wife and realize you married your mother. He said, "oh, oh, that is sooo sooo Freudian - I don't think so". I said sure you will. That one out there (and I pointed to the exit) listens to Sinatra all the way to Minnesota until I am crazy. 10 hours of Sinatra. He then says "I love Frank, I fall asleep to him". I said "Are you sure you aren't his son?" I then thanked him for my groceries and made a graceful exit (for once). He is probably still trying to figure out who to marry so she is not like his mother! I wish I could put the shocked tone of his voice into this writing!
Well, home I am for the night and we need to clean, do laundry, clean piggers cage and all those good things. But I just want to take a nap. Maybe the nap will win. Ciao!

Most of our nights out this summer involved going to places in the Village, concerts on the Square, and our favorite weekly event - the nightly trip to the large Walmart the next town over. Some weekends we try to figure out what to do and go hang out at the Walmart just for fun (seriously). Last night was groceries and appliances. Alan started to do the speed walk through the store when he realized it was 7pm. He was missing Rat Patrol - an old favorite of his available on our cable channel. So at the checkout he abandoned me to get the car and have it waiting for a quick get-away.
Our check-out clerk, young college student, easy on the eye (wink wink) gave me a quizzical look. I said "oh, we have a hot date." He asked what. I laughed and said TV - Rat Patrol is on. He then had to ask "What is Rat Patrol". I told him he was obviously too young to remember that show. I said, you know, this is a day I realized I married my father. And he gave me this shocked look. I said oh, just wait, 20 years into marriage you'll look at your wife and realize you married your mother. He said, "oh, oh, that is sooo sooo Freudian - I don't think so". I said sure you will. That one out there (and I pointed to the exit) listens to Sinatra all the way to Minnesota until I am crazy. 10 hours of Sinatra. He then says "I love Frank, I fall asleep to him". I said "Are you sure you aren't his son?" I then thanked him for my groceries and made a graceful exit (for once). He is probably still trying to figure out who to marry so she is not like his mother! I wish I could put the shocked tone of his voice into this writing!
Well, home I am for the night and we need to clean, do laundry, clean piggers cage and all those good things. But I just want to take a nap. Maybe the nap will win. Ciao!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Men and Electronics Stores

The TV for the Living Room (27") takes a long time to turn on. It is 15 years old and so a decision was made to replace it with a thiner, sleeker version. So, off to our favorite store, Best Buy. Now time to decide LCD or Plasma, 720p, 1080p. Lots of choices and we haven't even come to size. We settled on 1080p first. Now for size. I voted for 42". The living room is not that big. It would look fine. Alan wanted the 46". Now came the pleading (Imagine a 3 year old in the cereal aisle). Oh, honey, look at the difference, don't you WANT the 46", please, please, please. Then plasma or LCD. LCD is better in sunny rooms (our Living Room is sunny), but Plasma will hold up better to the slobbery dog due to the glass front. So I caved. 46" plasma Panasonic. Settled. Then the bad news. We don't carry that one in this store. So now we had to make another choice. I was pushing for the 42" and hubby said, lets check on the Samsung 46" LCD. While the guy went to check, we noticed it was the only one NOT ON SALE. Almost $1900 for that one. So off the list that one came.
Then, there it was, THE ONE. The ONE HE HAD TO HAVE. Was it 42" - of course not. Was it an LCD - of course not. Was it a 46". Laughable. IT, the dream TV for our little living room was a 50" Plasma Panasonic TV. 20,000 to 1 ratio, 1080p, and so many good things, my head was spinning with "is he insane". Now comes the pleading again. Oh look honey, it is so great, look look look, please, please please - it's cheaper than the Samsung. I whipped out the Iphone and showed him the little living room. NAH. He wasn't buying it. So home it came. We spent the rest of the night setting it up and all he could do is say wow.... Wow.... WOW. He threatened to call in sick today - just to enjoy it. But he didn't.

Monday, July 14, 2008
She Demands All

Hoping to get some sleep tonight. Still like having a toddler in the house. We are tired! She may go back to the cat room tonight!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Mazie Discovers Charlie

Then she discovered how to get on top of Charlie's cage. She likes the hanging toys Alan put in there. The first time she stood against it Charlie put his little paws on the cage and nosed her back. Now she just heads straight to the top of the cage. We have to find a way to keep her off before she gets bigger. She is sure full of energy.
Poor Neffie doesn't know if she is coming or going. Mazie chases her around the house and Neffie has refined her hissing to a new evil long drawn out tone. It stops Mazie in mid double-leg up prance. Hopefully we'll catch a picture. For now, Mazie spends her nights in the green room for her own protection, but when we are home she gets the run of the house - and we get some exercise. Stay tuned for further.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
She Has A Name - Sorta

Saturday, June 28, 2008
New Baby Kitten
We had a busy morning. A very unhappy Neffie went to the vet for shots. She sat very nicely on the table and had her nails clipped. But she eyeballed the 3 injection needles and I could see the processing in her mind (those are for ME?!) Then off to home for her and off to the shelter for us.
Neffie has seemed generally okay since Peri died, but the one thing that has not changed is that every day she saves half her wet food for Peri. She waits for Peri to come and after an hour, she comes back and eats the remainder. It is actually very sad. So we have decided to get a kitten. I had thought of going to a breeder, but decided to get one from the shelter. I forgot how much shelters break my heart. The dogs there were so sad. Many turned in by their owners - one was a pair of beagles - an older and younger dog. I wanted to bring them home. I know Q will love a kitten, but a pair of beagles would push his old man buttons!
So initially, I wanted a kitten from the "Flintstones". http://www.lakelandanimalshelter.org/kittenseason.html
Scroll to the middle to see the litter).
But in the end, it was Rosy who stole our hearts. She never stopped purring - she was very content to snuggle with Alan and me. I think she will do fine. She was not ready to come home today - she had just been spayed. So she comes home Thursday July 3rd.
Rosy needs a new name! We are thinking Gunnie (as in Gunnery Sergeant). But Alyssa said we just can't call her Gunnie. We haven't decided yet on a name. Let us know any thoughts you have!
Stay tuned for updates! The picture came from the shelter. Please support your local shelter!
Neffie has seemed generally okay since Peri died, but the one thing that has not changed is that every day she saves half her wet food for Peri. She waits for Peri to come and after an hour, she comes back and eats the remainder. It is actually very sad. So we have decided to get a kitten. I had thought of going to a breeder, but decided to get one from the shelter. I forgot how much shelters break my heart. The dogs there were so sad. Many turned in by their owners - one was a pair of beagles - an older and younger dog. I wanted to bring them home. I know Q will love a kitten, but a pair of beagles would push his old man buttons!
So initially, I wanted a kitten from the "Flintstones". http://www.lakelandanimalshelter.org/kittenseason.html
Scroll to the middle to see the litter).

Rosy needs a new name! We are thinking Gunnie (as in Gunnery Sergeant). But Alyssa said we just can't call her Gunnie. We haven't decided yet on a name. Let us know any thoughts you have!
Stay tuned for updates! The picture came from the shelter. Please support your local shelter!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Introducing Drill Sergeant Nefertitti

So this weekend I was determined to capture her on film. She raked her nails across the side of the mattress to wake up Alan. I grabbed the camera. This is the best shot. She is stomping through the living room by the DVD rack on her way to the kitchen.

Hide and Seek
I have a great story about Neffie (with Photos of course) and I have been spending time with Lucy from next door (Illinois House) - but alas, I have no camera transfer cable. I am now looking for the secondary card reader. Living in 2 places and still tons of stuff to unpack, Alan and I are beginning to realize just how much stuff we just cannot find. Over the weekend I found his camera cable and transferred some pictures. But I have no idea where mine is. Maybe Alyssa knows, but she is in London. Besides the camera cable we are missing a few boxes of papers, Alan's Birkenstock sandles, all the other shoes that were not currently being worn by the guys, and some of my pottery.
We started the Seek part of this game Sunday and it quickly wore us out. We managed to open all the boxes of Alan's mother's stuff we have been storing for 15 years and yes, still storing, until AJ comes home and decides what he wants of his Grandma's stuff.
Wish us luck. We'll be having a big garage sale soon!
We started the Seek part of this game Sunday and it quickly wore us out. We managed to open all the boxes of Alan's mother's stuff we have been storing for 15 years and yes, still storing, until AJ comes home and decides what he wants of his Grandma's stuff.
Wish us luck. We'll be having a big garage sale soon!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
In Loving Memory of Per-puppy (5/5/99 - 5/22/08)

Alan got home from work about 4:30 and found her laying on the floor by our bedroom door. She would not move. She managed one loud meow. When he picked her up she went limp. She was obviously very ill. Our regular vet said they couldn't see her. So Alan drove her to the vet in the nearby town. They were so kind and took her in. She passed away while they were treating her. I managed to make it to the Vet's office while they were still working on her. They brought her to us to say good-bye. We asked them to find out why she died. She was only 9. It turns out Peri had a large tumor in her stomach and it had invaded her liver and then her kidneys, causing kidney failure. There was nothing anyone could have done to save her. I know she is now at Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to
someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are
meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they
can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water
and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to
health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made
whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our
dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy
and content, except for one small thing; they each miss
someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one
suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright
eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly
he begins to run from the group, flying over the green
grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special
friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion,
never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your
face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you
look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long
gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
CNN, London Webcams and Lettuce Wars
What a day today. I get 1 video and 2 pictures to make my heart just ache. I get to see AJ on CNN. Nic Robertson was with his team and there we get to see our son. And it was good. I am very proud of AJ and all he has accomplished! See the Link on the Right Column!
The second is we managed to snap a shot of Alyssa in London of the West London College Web Cam. Now, you won't be able to tell it is her - as I cannot zoom in. (I can't wait to see what the next 30 years brings in technology!!!).
She is standing next to the curb just after the white street line - and has a black shirt hanging below her jacket. There is a guy approaching her. I can't see her face, but I can see her.
2 kids overseas. One in school in London.
One in a war zone. Some days we just count our blessings and turn away from the negatives.
Speaking of wars, I got sent a clip of the last war of today. Alan managed to capture Q and Charlie nose to nose. It turns out that all those longing looks that Q gives Charlie is not in anticipation of eating Charlie, rather it is in anticipation of eating Charlie's treats. We found out years ago that Q liked carrots, but Lettuce. Who would have thought. The secret - give it to Charlie and Q will want it.
A brief tug of war and you guessed it - CHARLIE won! It may have been the dad look to Q, but Q gave up after a quick final sniff of Charlie's nose and skulked away to get his bone (which is bigger than Charlie, might I add).

She is standing next to the curb just after the white street line - and has a black shirt hanging below her jacket. There is a guy approaching her. I can't see her face, but I can see her.
2 kids overseas. One in school in London.
One in a war zone. Some days we just count our blessings and turn away from the negatives.

A brief tug of war and you guessed it - CHARLIE won! It may have been the dad look to Q, but Q gave up after a quick final sniff of Charlie's nose and skulked away to get his bone (which is bigger than Charlie, might I add).
Friday, April 11, 2008
Towels "Look Mom, No Dad"

Then, occasionally, I splurge. I buy those outrageously expensive towels - where you only buy one or two and if I get a bargain, the better for it. And that was how I came upon the Eddie Bauer Beach Towels. Thick, plush, large. Everything you want for taking to the beach or pool and they stand up to multiple washings. I love those towels. They get used more for showering by hubby than the beach but that is ok. I love them anyway. He has one at Wisconsin House, I have one at Illinois House until I move up there.
So hubby has an I-Phone. I won't get one until Christmas (waiting for my plan to expire) and he takes all sorts of pictures of Charlie with Mastiff Dog and emails them to me. He wants me to know they enjoy each other's company. This picture was titled "Look Mom, No Dad". So he is soooo lucky Charlie didn't get eaten. I just know Mastiff Dog is waiting for an opportunity - but more importantly, I caught my expensive towel draped over the back of the couch - being used to wipe up Mastiff Dog's face and who knows what else. He didn't realize I would catch him with this, but the towel will be grounded when I get back to Wisconsin House. I must save it from ruination. The best part, he has no defense - It was caught in a photo. The towel will revert to my ownership (solely and completely). Now I just need a place to hide it........ The towel wars begin afresh.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
What's For Dinner or "How to Torment Your Wife"

Tonight, Q-puppy is seen watching the piggie with great interest. Not a great photo, put it does enough to scare me. I guess Q doesn't scare Charlie - even as he licked his lips over and over while staring with hope and anticipation at Charlie. Charlie is back safe and sound in his cage. I can sleep tonight and I know Q will sleep hoping he gets another chance tomorrow. There's always tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Kid Makes Captain

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Guinea Pigs, Cars and Cabin Filters

My car came back from the Dealership. One problem fixed and one not fixed. The problem fixed - the horrible smell is gone. Last week this foul odor waffs it's way into my car. I thought something must have died in the engine. But it turned out to be my "cabin filter". (Who knew I had a cabin filter - craziness). It had gotten wet at some distant point in the past and had grown full of mold and mildew. Yeah, that bad. Then the mold moved into the vents. So they replaced the filter and "smoked out" the vents. The smell is gone. The turn signals - well they still click for awhile after they have turned off despite a parts replacement. And all that with almost 3 inches of snow today. Spring really needs to come!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Q and Charlie Go To The Vet
Q's foot is still not healing. He went for a recheck and it was decided that he would not be put through the x-rays again. The prior week they x-rayed his foot and he was so traumatized he soiled himself in all ways. This required much bathing afterwards. Now I think we will just watch him, care for him and let him live out his life until he is no longer comfortable.
Charlie went with for moral support. The vet clipped his nails and checked his teeth. His teeth are in find shape for a guinea pig. He let her look for all of 3 seconds, but enough to make a determination. Charlie has officially moved in with Q and the cats. The cats are doing fine. The fat one has adjusted to the new house but is crabby at times. I officially live pet-less Monday through Friday while Alan has all the pets. I think Q is happy to see the guinea pig come live with him. That is all my news on the pets.
Charlie went with for moral support. The vet clipped his nails and checked his teeth. His teeth are in find shape for a guinea pig. He let her look for all of 3 seconds, but enough to make a determination. Charlie has officially moved in with Q and the cats. The cats are doing fine. The fat one has adjusted to the new house but is crabby at times. I officially live pet-less Monday through Friday while Alan has all the pets. I think Q is happy to see the guinea pig come live with him. That is all my news on the pets.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Happy 21st Birthday To My Daughter

The present in and of itself will be fleeting as time goes; but it is the memory that she is to keep forever. I sent her an IPOD Shuffle in bright red with an inscription. Something witty - that fits her. That she can wear on her lapel and be hip and fun. 21 is the time to be hip and fun.
I also sent her a letter and a CD of songs I selected for meaning - songs about a parents love; facing challenges; my favorite love song for the wish that in the future she finds a husband that will love her and cherish her as much as we do - as much as my husband does for me. It has songs about finding a home and coming home and a song about remembering the child in you - to have fun in life while getting through life. A song that this is her time, and that no matter the struggles in life, she needs to do them anyway. There were only 20 songs I choose - they wouldn't be everyone's choice, but they were the choice I chose for her. I sent Itunes gift cards too. She has her own impressive collection but you can never have too much music in your life. It is music that tells the stories of our lives. It makes us laugh, it makes us cry and it makes us think.
There is so much I wish for all my children. The boys turned 21 while we were working, raising kids, struggling with health issues. They didn't get the letter and the special thoughts and wishes about remembering your faith, remembering your family, finding a home, being involved in your community (you have to stand for something) and taking your time to find those things - don't be in such a hurry. As much as I wish this for her, I wish these things for my sons. My wish for my children - to live a life fully lived - a life with few regrets - and a love to last a lifetime.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
News From The Kid

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Snowed In

The snow began yesterday. By 10:30am Richard had borrowed the neighbor's snowblower and was trying to dig us out slowly. Richard and I both have the flu - so it has been a tough week. He is younger then me and in better shape, so off he was sent to do the work. We have great neighbors because as the snow continued, he snowblowed my driveway twice more after Richard left for work.

Sunday, February 03, 2008
All Things Q

So last month after we moved to the new house, I got a linksys router (it was the only brand available) at Wal-mart. Well our neighborhood is full of linksys routers and on the list there were 2 or 3 named "linksys". I was pretty sure i had picked our router and went about setting the security settings. I asked Alan what he wanted it named and he said name it after the wonder-dog Q. So I did. Well we had issues and then I could not get back into the router. So I reset it to factory settings and there, on the network list in the neighborhood appeared the router with Q's name. Now the guilt set in. New neighbors and I mess up their router - that and I had no way of knowing which neighbor it was. I suspected that since they never renamed it or set security settings, they may be unfamiliar with how to do it. We have an open concept back yard and I can see 5 houses from my living room. So we unplugged everything and sure enough the next morning it was still there. It took about 2 weeks for it to disappear from the neighborhood list. I told Alan not to open the back door and yell for the dog until we get to know our neighbors a little better so we can make the appropriate apologies. We plan to throw a summer barbeque. We renamed our router completely differently. I think I want the new Apple router. I may get one. They are much pricier than the other models, but after the basement is finished, I see many new things on the horizon for us.
Speaking of basement finishing, I am excited about getting the basement done. We will not do the Owens-Corning system. It is a lovely system, easy to install, with a R11 rating. They do the electricity, the drop ceiling and 14 lamps. The price to do 500 square feet left us gasping - $35,900 and that did not include the flooring. So we meet with a builder Wednesday. I think I want radiant heating in the floor. He estimated around $15,000 so we will see after he actually looks at the house. I had sent him pictures so he isn't totally unrealistic. It is amazing at the costs to do walls, ceilings and flooring. Once we commence the project I will post updates and pictures on the blog. We have the movers finally coming 2/23 to move the rest of our stuff to East Troy. Yeah! We'll leave a skeleton house in Illinois until we sell it or rent it. If my friend doesn't post her baby feet picture I may ask her if I can - it is wonderful. Congrats Christy and Nick on your new baby boy - Ben!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Off To London Again

I am going to see mom the weekend of my birthday (2/15-2/18) and Alan will stay home with the dog and cats. I cancelled my Key West trip for May. The Singer/Songwriter Festival will (sadly) go on without me. They just don't know what they are missing in Key West. Ha ha. I may try to fly to The Netherlands to see Sharon in May.
Alyssa is getting ready to go to London. This time she has to pack her room for the movers to take to the new house. This one may still be unsold by the time she comes back (with the way the market is), but in any case, all her stuff is going to Wisconsin "just in case". Her Visa is valid only until May 30th - so that means while she is over there she will have to get it extended to complete the program year. They (they, being the British Visa People), are waiting for the final tuition payment to be made to extend her Visa to the end of the program. In my opinion, another way to soak another $210 out of us and I have no idea how that works while she is there. Here, she had to send her passport in, whereas there, she is required to have it on her. But that is what being 21 is all about. She will have to figure it out.
So stress, I have no stress - just have to get her to the airport on time for Monday - and off she goes. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be her age again - but with options. And my quotes sadly did not readjust her. I got "the look". But London will readjust her. I am looking forward to the changes.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
New Year Musings
The New Year has certainly started with a blur of activity! We are STILL moving. The movers are finally being scheduled. In the meantime we are working on getting the final packing put together. Alyssa just got her Visa Application papers yesterday. School starts 1/31 so we are uncertain if she will make it in time for the start of school. She will be very disappointed if she has to wait for a June start. The college in London offers a program not available in the U.S. (or very difficult to find) so hopefully her Visa application will go through quickly. Knowing Murphy's law and the Brits, it will, no doubt, be delayed by bureaucratic shenanigans. (Thus leaving me stuck with a very mad 20 year old).
I ended 2007 recuperating from being ill and Sharon has started 2008 being ill in the Netherlands. AJ is in Iraq and doing well. Emily and I get to talk daily about Bishop - their lovely Lab/Sharpei puppy.
So while we do the packing and moving the plus side is discovering the various things you forgot you owned. Alyssa packed up all the china and in the cabinet found old photos, papers and cards I had bought 12 years ago at Successories (a store selling business items). I found 18 cards - 16 large square cards with phenomenal pictures and quotes. So I thought I would share a few of them with you and what they mean to me on this day in 2008.
The Essence of a Hero
True Heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others whatever the cost.
To our soldiers. Each of you is a hero in my eyes. Thank you for your courage, your service, your sacrifice.
Living A Legacy
All that we are we will pass on to our children - our loves, our hopes, our dreams, our character. Therefore, let your thoughts be planted in rich soil and let your actions stand tall in a child's eyes. Just as fruit does not fall far from the tree, children do not stray far from their heroes.
It is important to remember that we are our children's heroes. What we do will impact them, teach them how to behave as they grow. I read this and am reminded of the song
"Watching You" by Rodney Atkins
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama's hand
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Essence of Survival
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed....every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better running"
I decided to include Survival - the raw reality of everyday life.
Finally, my last card for tonight is a tough choice: Topics are Attitude, Integrity, Today, Giving, Destiny, Achievement, Success, Leader, Persistence, Belief, and Truth.
To survive in this world, you need integrity and courage - and sometimes it takes courage to have integrity.
The Courage Of Integrity
The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity... these are the choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.
Well thanks for reading along with me. I enjoyed my cards and am looking over the booklet I found with the cards: Attitude, Your Internal Compass. and Fall In Love with Your Future. I should be readjusted by the end of the weekend (or have Alyssa readjusted by the end of the weekend). Wish me well!
I ended 2007 recuperating from being ill and Sharon has started 2008 being ill in the Netherlands. AJ is in Iraq and doing well. Emily and I get to talk daily about Bishop - their lovely Lab/Sharpei puppy.
So while we do the packing and moving the plus side is discovering the various things you forgot you owned. Alyssa packed up all the china and in the cabinet found old photos, papers and cards I had bought 12 years ago at Successories (a store selling business items). I found 18 cards - 16 large square cards with phenomenal pictures and quotes. So I thought I would share a few of them with you and what they mean to me on this day in 2008.
The Essence of a Hero
True Heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others whatever the cost.
To our soldiers. Each of you is a hero in my eyes. Thank you for your courage, your service, your sacrifice.
Living A Legacy
All that we are we will pass on to our children - our loves, our hopes, our dreams, our character. Therefore, let your thoughts be planted in rich soil and let your actions stand tall in a child's eyes. Just as fruit does not fall far from the tree, children do not stray far from their heroes.
It is important to remember that we are our children's heroes. What we do will impact them, teach them how to behave as they grow. I read this and am reminded of the song
"Watching You" by Rodney Atkins
He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool
I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama's hand
Yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I've been watching you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Essence of Survival
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed....every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle... when the sun comes up, you'd better running"
I decided to include Survival - the raw reality of everyday life.
Finally, my last card for tonight is a tough choice: Topics are Attitude, Integrity, Today, Giving, Destiny, Achievement, Success, Leader, Persistence, Belief, and Truth.
To survive in this world, you need integrity and courage - and sometimes it takes courage to have integrity.
The Courage Of Integrity
The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity... these are the choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.
Well thanks for reading along with me. I enjoyed my cards and am looking over the booklet I found with the cards: Attitude, Your Internal Compass. and Fall In Love with Your Future. I should be readjusted by the end of the weekend (or have Alyssa readjusted by the end of the weekend). Wish me well!
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